Empowering communities since 1973, The Vijay Co-Operative Bank Ltd. is dedicated to serving the needs of its members.

Duplicate Passbook / Statement Charges
For Savings Bank 50
For Current 50
Stop Payment Charges (Savings/Current/Cash Credit Account) 100
Cheque Book Issue Charges
For Savings Bank (Per Cheque leaf) 3
For Current/Cash Credit Accounts (Per Cheque leaf) 3
Charges for Non-Maintenance of Average Monthly Charges
Account Keeping Charges (Half Yearly) (Incidental Charges)
Current Account 250
Advances (As per Limit) -
Maximum 1350
Account Closure Charges
BSBD Account Free
Savings / Current Account up 14 days of Opening Free
Saving : After 14 days up to 1 year of opening 100
Current : After 14 days up to 1 year of opening 200
After 1 year and Above Free
Inward Cheque / ECS return Charges
Up to Rs.50000/ 100
50001 to 100000 150
100001 to 200000 200
200001 to 500000 250
Above 500001 500
Outward Cheque return charges
Up to Rs.100000/ 50
100001 to 200000 75
200001 to 500000 100
SI / ECS failure due to insufficient balance 100 per instance
Collection of Out Station Cheque
Up to 10000 100 (Not to be charged where customer not in a fault)
Up to 100000 200
Above 100000 500
Above 100000 200
Above 100000 150
National Automated Clearing House (NACH) Mandate (including ‘E’ mandate)
One time Mandate Authorisation Charges per mandate 50
Failed Mandate 100
Pay Order / Bankers Cheque/ Demand Draft
Up to 10000 50
Above 10000 Rs.5 per thousand (Max. 2500)
Pay Order / Bankers Cheque cancellation & issuance of duplicate 100
Debit Card issuance Charges 100
AMC 50
Cash Handeling Charges
Excluding BSBD - Branch Manager is vasted with the power to waiver
Savings : Cash Deposit Transaction in a month 3 transaction free
Beyond 3 transaction in a month 17
Current : Free up to 20 lakh per month Above Rs.20 lakh Rs.5/ per packet)
Above 20 lakh 0.75 per thousand . Maximum Rs. 2000
Inward Nil
Up to 2 lakh< Nil
Above 2 lakh to 5 lakh< Nil
Above 5 lakh< Nil
Solvency Certificate
Per Rs.1000/ 0.25
Minimum 100
Maximum 2500
Solvency Certificate
Per Rs.1000/ 0.25
Minimum 100
Maximum 2500
Bank Guarantee Fees (Per Year)
Per Rs.1000/ 10
Minimum 250
Document Charges (Advances)
Per Rs.100/ 0.3
Minimum 50
Maximum 8000
CIC Chrges (To recover the Charges from the borrower on actual basis)
Individual Reports 40
Commercial Report 800
Late Submission of Stock Statement-Per Month 50
Account Operate through POA mandate 100
Any Document/certificate related to Old record (More then 3 years from the date of application) 200