Copy of last three years Income Tax returns/ Pay slip of last 3 Months.
3 Photographs of Applicant
Passport & Visa [if admission in foreign University]
Address proof – electric bill /telephone bill /Aadhar card (any one) As per KYC norms.
Photo proof – Pan card / Voter card / Driving license (Any one) As per KYC norms
Applicant has to show all original documents to the bank for verification with zerox copy. Original documents will be returned to applicant after verification.
Applicant should have Savings/ current Bank account with the bank.
Guarantor Details:
Photograph-2 copies
Last tax bill
Last income tax return copy /Pay Slip
Address proof – electric bill /telephone bill (any one)
Approved courses leading to graduate/post graduate degree and PG diplomas conducted by recognized colleges / universities recognized by UGC / Govt. / AICTE / AIBMS / ICMR etc.
Courses like ICWA, CA, CFA etc.
Courses conducted by IIMs, IITs, IISc, XLRI. NIFT,NID etc.
The above list is indicative in nature. Bank may approve other job oriented courses leading to technical / professional degrees, post graduate degrees / diplomas offered by recognized institutions under this scheme.
Applicant has to take share of bank @ 1%/ 2%/ 2.5% of the limit.